4th Krka Half Marathon – international athletic race through the Krka National Park
On Saturday, 2 October, the start of the 4th Krka Half-marathon will be announced.
The starting point of the race remains the same – Krka Eco Campus in Puljane, as well as the finish – Burnum amphitheatre. For all those who find the Half-marathon too much of a challenge, the 5.6 km FunRun race is also on the schedule. There is also a climbing and racing challenge – the crown of Emperor Trajan, a reward for runners who most quickly overcome the ascent from the canyon of the Krka River at the Brljan waterfall.
The Half Marathon kicks off in front of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane at 10:00 am, while the Fun Run race begins at 10:10 am. At 11:30 am, the winner of the Fun Run race will be announced at the finish line at the Burnum amphitheatre, while the overall winner of the 4th Krka Half-Marathon will be announced at 12:30 pm, and winners by categories at 1:00 pm. The programme ends at 2:00 pm, as announced by the organizers, Athletic Club Marathon 2000 from Karlovac and Athletic Club Sibenik.
Traffic regulation
On Saturday, 2 October traffic will be completely closed from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm along the race route, on the following route:
Krka Eco Campus in Puljane – access road to county road Ž6055 – Ž6055 from state road D59 to the centre of Oklaj (Nursing home/Supermarket) – state road D59 from the intersection with county road Ž6055 to the Burnum amphitheatre – at sites on uncategorised roads in Paraći, Bračići and Nečven – local road 65025 and local road 65014 from the intersection with local road 65025 to the exit onto county road Ž6055 in Čitluk.
In these segments, only official race vehicles and emergency vehicles will be permitted. Traffic will be regulated by police and traffic guards installed by the organisers. In certain sections (above all in the settlements Paraći, Bračići and Nečven) traffic will be reinstated once the final runner has passed.
Start packages
Runners can pick up their start numbers and start packages on Friday, 1 October in Drniš, at the branch office of the Public Institute of Krka National Park, from 12:00 am to 8:00 pm, or on race day, on Saturday, 2 October in front of the Burnum amphitheatre from 7:30. The package includes, among other things, a coupon that runners will be able to exchange for a ticket for the Krka National Park and use one day during the weekend in which the race takes place. Also, the Archaeological Collection in the Krka Eco Campus Krka is open for all runners and fans.
Organized transport for runners
On race day, bus transport has been organised for runners from Drniš (from the bus station), Šibenik (from the bus station) and Skradin (from the bus stop by the primary school) directly to the starting line. The bus from Drniš leaves at 7:00 am, and from Šibenik and Skradin at 6:45 pm. For those runners coming to the start line on their own, they may park their cars exclusively at the finish line, at the parking lot by the amphitheatre. Buses will transport runners to the start line from 8:00 to 9:15; departure of the bus with things to Burnum at 9:50, and return of the bus from Burnum from 13:30 to 14:15.
Along the route, there will be five refreshment stands, with water, isotonic drinks and fruit. The main refreshment stand will be at the finish line in Burnum, in the celebratory ambience of the Roman military camp. The furthest point on the route is in the settlement Oklaj, where the turning point is and from which runners turn back and head towards the Burnum amphitheatre. The Fun Run race route heads straight to Burnum. On that route, there will be one refreshment stand, with water, near the end of the ascent from the Krka Canyon.
We kindly invite all participants of the 4th Krka Half Marathon to adhere to the prescribed epidemiological measures.
All additional information is available on the race website www.krka.run
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