The Krka River, in addition to the natural beauty of its canyon, also features a rich cultural and historical heritage, bearing witness to the co-existence of man and nature from prehistoric times to the modern era. The cultural heritage represents the common wealth of the inhabitants along the Krka River and its environs, and the protection of monuments is the most important factor in recognizing and creating a cultural identity for this area. The first inhabitants along the Krka River dwelled in caves, which offered them a secure shelter from natural calamities, bad weather, and wild animals. They were used as permanent dwellings or temporary shelters, and partly as cemeteries. During the Bronze and Iron Ages, numerous hillforts, or fortified settlements, were built along the edges of the canyon of the river. With the arrival of the Romans in the Krka River area during the 1st century BC, more extensive urbanization began, referring primarily to military structures (the Burnum military camp, five smaller castrums), as well as roads and aqueducts. City centres such as Scardona (Skradin) and Burnum were built with urban infrastructure according to the structures of Roman urbanism. Several villae rusticae (rural farming estates) were also built, which to a great extent were utilized by veteran soldiers retired from Burnum. The period of the Middle Ages was marked by the construction of numerous castles above the left and right banks of the Krka, which in addition to their historical significance have an exceptional value in terms of ambient. Among them Ključica, Trošenj and Nečven stand out in particular. Numerous settlements were built in the immediate vicinity of the fortresses, some of which still exist today. Along the course of the Krka River, particularly at falls and rapids, numerous mills, washing pillars, and washing baskets have been built to utilize the power of the water. The groups of mills along the Krka represent a specific testimony to a traditional lifestyle and economy from the first half of the 20th century with a continuity of heritage from earlier historical periods. Great changes occurred in the course of the new age in the exploitation of the force of water. The second industrial revolution gave birth to a new fuel – electric energy. Four hydroelectric power plants were built to produce electricity, along with a number of industrial facilities that used that energy.






km bike route


km of hiking trails

