Manojlovac waterfall
The Manojlovac waterfall, 19.5 km distant from the source of the river, is the highest and most impressive waterfall of the Krka River: it is 59.6 m high, 500 m long, and 80 – 100 m wide. It consists of a series of tufa barriers.
The highest, and also the last, with a height of 32.2 m, is located at the spot where the river changes its course sharply from the northwest towards the southeast. Because of its ridges, caves, and overhangs, the waterfall is home to various species of mosses, such as Eucladium verticillatum, as well as other species from the Fissidens, Bryum, Didymodon, and Gymnostonum families.
The long, extensive beards and curtains on the largest waterfall are formed by the species Palustriella commutata, one of the most important tufa forming mosses.
The edges of the canyon and the waterfall are ornamented by a varied vegetative world: European hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia), narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia), dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), purple willow (Salix purpurea), fig (Ficus carica), and a rare fern, a Tertiary relic, maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus veneris). In the warm part of the year, only a small amount of water flows over the waterfall, because its water is taken for the reservoir of the nearby Miljacka hydroelectric power plant.
The view of the Manojlovac waterfall is one of the most impressive scenes on the river. The Emperor Franz Joseph I and his wife Elizabeth of Austria, better known as Sissi, enjoyed it when they visited in 1875, as shown by the inscription carved into the bedrock at the viewpoint above the waterfall.