Initial investigation of Habitat type 3260 – Water courses with vegetation of Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion in the Krka NP
Habitat type 3260 is characterized by watercourses with clear and moderately fast water and aquatic vegetation, including species of the genera Ranunculus, Callitriche, and Myriophyllum, among others
Investigation of the Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae Kovačević 1959 in the area of the Krka NP
During 2024, the first phase of the investigation of the Eastern Sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae (NATURA 2000 code 62A0) was carried out
Investigation into Bechstein's Bats and their underground habitats in the broader area of the Krka NP in 2024
During 2024, the company Geonatura d.o.o. conducted an investigation of bats in the area of the ecological network HR2000918 or the wider area of the Krka NP
Diving investigations of the cave system Miljacka I-V
In the period August 23-30, 2024, the Society for Karst Research – Freatik conducted speleology diving research in the submerged part of the Miljacka I-V cave system
Paleolimnološka istraživanja u NP „Krka“ – Visovačko jezero
U površinskim vodnim tijelima kao što su jezera, močvare ili rijeke taloži se sediment. Dinamika taloženja sedimenta može se mijenjati tijekom povijesti razvoja jezera, odnosno u pojedinim periodima mogu dominirati procesi taloženja, s jedne, ili erozije, s druge strane.
Determination of the condition of aquatic beetles on the tufa barriers and waterfalls of the Krka NP
Water beetles belong to the order of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera). They are found in almost all types of aquatic habitats, except seas and oceans. The most important role in their distribution is occupied by the diversity of microhabitats in a certain biotope, in other words, their preference for a certain type of habitat.
“The analysis of dry water periods in the Krka River basin and hydrological elements of an ecologically acceptable flow and the impact of extreme droughts on water-dependent ecosystems”
Defining and ensuring environmentally acceptable flows (EF) in watercourses of protected areas is of crucial importance for the maintenance of water-dependent ecosystems during prolonged dry periods
Istraživanje herpetofaune na području NP „Krka“ 2023. godine
Istraživanje vodozemaca i gmazova (herpetofaune) na širem području Nacionalnog parka „Krka“ tijekom 2023. godine provela je tvrtka Biota d. o. o.