The medieval fortress of Trošenj is located above a deep gorge on the right bank of the Krka River, opposite the fortress of Nečven.

Trošenj was built by the aristocratic Šubić family in the 14th century for control over the strategically important bridge over the Krka River. Both fortresses, Trošenj and Nečven, were erected at almost the same height above sea level, the first at 243 m, the other at 242 m.

The fortress and nearby village of Čučevo were mentioned in a document from 1437 as villa Chuchevno. After the expulsion of the Turks, Trošenj was abandoned, like most of the fortresses on the Krka River, and has been decaying ever since. The bridge across the Krka below Nečven and Trošenj was mentioned in the middle of the 17th century, when it was demolished.

The fortress has an irregular shape because of the configuration of the terrain. It consists of defensive walls, a circular tower, and residential quarters. The tower is around 5 m in diameter, while its walls are about a meter thick on average. The remains of a fortified building are located next to the tower. In addition to the circular tower, the remains are visible of a square tower, with small windows and larger semicircular openings.

Today, Trošenj can be reached via the village of Čučevo, on a footpath from the direction of Kistanje.









km bike route


km of hiking trails

