14th Meeting of the Conservators-Restorers of the Croatian Museum Society at the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane

The Krka Eco Campus in Puljane is hosting the 14th Meeting of the Section of Conservators-Restorers of the Croatian Museum Society, which will take place on September 12th and 13th, 2024. The theme of this year’s meetings is the preservation of the cultural heritage on the basis of modern methods and technologies.

Ecological action in the heart of nature: the volunteer program "Cleaning the Krka River banks" for the preservation of the environment

The volunteer program “Cleaning the Krka River banks” was held from the 26th of August to the 1st of September 2024 in the area of the Krka National Park  

129. obljetnica prve hidroelektrane na rijeci Krki: povijest koja nas inspirira za budućnost

Dana 28. kolovoza 1895. godine, Šibenik je ušao u povijest kao prvi grad u Hrvatskoj s cjelovitom električnom rasvjetom

The Krka in Bloom – an exhibition of photographs in honour of World Photography Day

On the occasion of World Photography Day, on Monday, the 19th of August 2024: at 11:30 am at Skradinski buk waterfall in the Krka National Park, the exhibition The Krka in Bloom was officially opened

In the packed Burnum amphitheater, another spectacular Ides celebration was held under the auspices of the Krka National Park

This year’s Ides of Burnum, in its sixteenth edition, successfully revived the spirit of the Roman era and attracted numerous visitors to the only preserved Roman military amphitheater in Croatia

Ministrica Marija Vučković održala sastanak i obišla opožareno područje NP „Krka“ i skradinskog zaleđa

U petak, 2. kolovoza 2024. održan je radni sastanak na kojem su razmotrene aktivnosti koje će se poduzeti nakon sanacije požara u skradinskom zaleđu na desnoj obali Krke.

XVI Burnum Ides

This year’s Burnum Ides, in its sixteenth edition, offers a rich program that evokes the spirit of Roman times, of legions and gladiators. The event will take place on Monday, August 12, in the only preserved Roman military amphitheater in Croatia.

Opening of the parking lot Bogatić Miljevački – Oziđana pećina cave

The Krka National Park is opeing a new parking lot, with free transportation for visitors to the Roški slap waterfall

Historical navigation: 180 years of the tourist route to Šibenik and the Krka National Park

The city of Šibenik and the Krka National Park welcome millions of visitors from all over the world every year, but it is worth remembering the moment when it all began, because tourism also had its very beginnings






km bike route


km of hiking trails

