Monitoring nesting pairs od Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo)

The results of this year’s monitoring session were exceptionally encouraging: we confirmed earlier assessments of eleven nesting pairs of Eurasian eagle owl in the Park.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Krka National Park is treating visitors to an exhibit of photographs called “Women of the Krka”

Enjoy a walk through the idyllic winter landscape, and head to the Imperial Lookout overlooking the lavish cascades of Skradinski buk to view the exhibit dedicated to the women of the Krka.

International Tour Guide Day

Get to know the natural resources, wealth of cultural and historical heritage, and traditional crafts through a guided tour of Skradinski Buk, offered free of charge by the Krka National Park guides on Saturday, 19 February 2022.

Give love, give a book!

The libraries of the primary and secondary schools of Šibenik-Knin County have become richer with the volume “Secrets of the Underground”, published by the Public Institute of Krka National Park.

Education creates trust. Trust creates hope. Hopes creates peace. (Confucius)

The Public Institute of Krka National Park is a partner on the project “Back to a green future – living with the Krka and alongside it, past, present, future” of the Petar Krešimir IV Primary School in Šibenik.

Winter counting of waterbirds in Krka National Park

In Krka National Park, winter counting of waterbirds was conducted on 15 and 16 January 2022: a total of 33 species and more than 1900 individuals were recorded.

Lecture on combatting damages from wild boar in protected areas

The local population participated in the lecture “Wild boar and preventing damages to agricultural crops”, and all participants received wild boar repellents.

To celebrate its 37th birthday, Krka National Park is treating visitors to free entry this weekend, and an emotional series of photographs called “People of the Krka”

On Saturday and Sunday, entrance into Krka National Park will be free of charge. Enjoy a walk through the idyllic winter landscape, and head to the Imperial Lookout overlooking the lavish cascades of Skradinski buk to view the first exhibit in the new series “People of the Krka”.

Krka National Park takes part in Adventurica again this year

At the eco-workshops for children, we together make creative Christmas ornaments and permanent mementos.






km bike route


km of hiking trails

