Analiza stanja populacija ciljnih vrsta ptica područja ekološke mreže HR1000026 Krka i okolni plato na području ekološke mreže HR2000918 Šire područje NP Krke
Na širem području Nacionalnog parka „Krka“ u 2023. godini Udruga BIOM provela je detaljnu analizu stanja populacija ciljnih vrsta ptica Natura2000 područja HR1000026 Krka i okolni plato
Monitoring bat populations during seasonal migrations
In April and May 2023, the company Geonatura d.o.o. conducted monitoring of the bat population during the seasonal migration period throughout the area of Krka National Park, in the underground shelters Miljacka II, Velika pećina Kaočinka cave and Topla pećina cave, Čikola River
The monitoring of breeding bat colonies in the broader area of the Krka NP
In the summer of 2023, the company Geonatura d.o.o. conducted monitoring of summer roosts of bats in the broader area of Krka National Park, including the Miljacka II and Topla pećina caves and the bridge near the Brljan waterfall
Monitoring bat hibernation colonies
The continuation of multi-year research and monitoring of bats in the Park boundaries and surrounding areas
Winter counting of waterbirds in Krka National Park in 2023
The results of monitoring in the Park will be used to implement measures to protect waterbirds and their habitats
Monitoring the olm population in Krka NP
The olm is the only true stygobiont vertebrate in Europe, and the species is specific because it is the only living representative of the genus Proteus.