Erasmus+ in the Service of Education of Young People from Protected Areas
The Public Institute of Krka National Park is a partner on the project Environmental Awareness-Rising of Young People from Protected Areas (2023-3-LV02-KA210-YOU-000170610) funded under the Erasmus+ programme
The project is funded through Erasmus+, the largest EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, established almost four decades ago. Through a series of project activities, the Erasmus+ programme financially supports, educates, empowers and connects individuals and organisations helping them to achieve their full potential in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It supports mobility and cooperation projects with domestic and foreign partners with the aim of achieving better education and a more inclusive society, finding innovative solutions for the challenges of today and acquiring the skills that will be needed in the future.
The coordinator of the project Environmental Awareness-Rising of Young People from Protected Areas is the Ķemeru nacionālā parka fonds from Latvia, with Gaujas nacionālā parka fonds from Latvia, Kehittämisyhdistys Sepra ry from Finland and the Public Institute of Krka National Park participating as project partners.
Project activities will be implemented from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2026. The total value of the project is EUR 60,000.00. The project is fully financed by the European Union.
The goals of the project are to inform young people about climate change, raise their awareness of the need to preserve nature and the environment, foster participation and exchange of experience among young people from 13 to 30 years of age through joint protected area platforms in project partner countries, develop a motivation system to boost youth participation in environmental protection, networking and exchange of ideas among young people.
The main results of the project are greater engagement of young people in environmental protection activities, development of communication literacy in an international environment, as well as connections and interaction of young people in the development of methodology for the implementation of the Junior Ranger Programme. Within the framework of this project, the Krka National Park plans to introduce the Junior Ranger Programme and establish a Young Ranger Group.
The project involves various youth activities in the project partner countries, including interpretation of natural features in a modern and interactive environment with the aim of encouraging young people to accept challenges in the field of nature protection, to opt for studying natural and environmental sciences and choose a life dedicated to protecting nature. As a result of increased awareness, young participants will become the best advocates for nature and environmental protection wherever they are. With the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in a European context, they will learn to better understand and appreciate the differences in physical and climatic characteristics of different natural regions, as well as the culture, history and tradition of different peoples and countries.
This project is co-funded by the European Union. The content of this material is the sole responsibility of the Public Institute of Krka NP.
Representatives of Krka National Park visit Latvian national parks
As part of an Erasmus+ project, fully financed by the European Union, Latvian national parks presented their rich biodiversity and well preserved ecosystems
Representatives of the Krka National Park in a return visit to colleagues from Finland
Young people between the ages of thirteen and thirty are being more actively involved in the protection of nature and the environment through the Erasmus+ project “Raising environmental awareness among young people from protected areas”, which is fully financed by the European Union.
The Krka National Park hosted partners from Latvia and Finland
The goal of the Erasmus+ project “Raising environmental awareness among young people in protected areas” is to involve young people between the ages of thirteen and thirty in activities relating to the protection of nature and the environment