The 20th Meeting with the local inhabitants will gather together olive growers
At this year’s first meeting of olive growers from the wider area of the Krka River, the preparation of olive trees for successful flowering and fertilisation will be discussed
The 20th Meeting with local residents will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the conference hall of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane.
The topic of the meeting is How to prepare an olive tree for successful flowering and fruiting, and it will be presented by Jakša Rošin, M.Sc., senior associate at the Institute for Plant Sciences of the Institute for Adriatic Culture and Karst Reclamation in Split. Particularly dedicated to the preservation of Mediterranean cultures and the development of Mediterranean agriculture in Croatia, Jakša Rošin will instruct us in the procedures that must be applied in the early flowering phase in order to ensure a quality harvest.
In times of above-average winter and spring temperatures, because of which the plants bloom earlier, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of the olives for successful fertilisation. Proper and sufficient nutrition is crucial for a stable and optimal harvest. An olive tree should pass through the spring vegetation cycle in full strength and condition. Since flowering is one of the most important phases, because the harvest depends on it, it should be given special attention.
The 20th Meeting with the local population will bring together people who live and work in the wider area of the Krka River. Participation in the Meeting is free for all interested parties.
Local population
The quality of olive oil is the new topic that will gather the local inhabitants, with local olive growers bringing in their fresh oil for free analysis
The 22th Meeting of the Local Community will be held on Monday, 2 December 2024 from 1 to 3 pm at the conference hall of the Krka Eco-Campus in Puljane.
The 21st Meeting will gather local inhabitants at the tasting workshop and wine analysis
The first flow and wine clarification is the topic of the twenty-first Meeting with the Local Population that will be held on Monday, November 25, 2024, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the conference hall of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane.
Invitation to Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area Course
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries invites all interested parties to join the course entitled Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area, which is implemented within the framework of Intervention 72.01. Support for limitation in forest management (NATURA 2000, NCS)
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Poticanje razvitka poljoprivrede u 2024. godini