Learn how to maintain healthy and strong bee colonies in the Krka National Park
A meeting with the local population intended for beekeepers will be held this week in Puljane
On Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the 16th meeting with local residents will be held in the conference hall of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane, intended for all beekeepers and also those who are just planning to establish their first hives. The importance of preserving bee colonies is an increasingly common topic in the protection of biodiversity, and the benefits of their products, especially honey as golden nectar, have been known since ancient times. Honey, propolis, beeswax, pollen, and royal jelly are medicinal products that are used daily by those who actively take care of their health. In order for the bees to give us their best, beekeepers take care of their health and the strength of the colonies. Therefore, the regular training of beekeepers provides additional security for the health of bees and humans and the survival of the ecosystem.
In the first part of the Meeting, at 10 a.m., Prof. Ivana Tlak Gajger, PhD, head of the Laboratory for Bee Diseases at the Institute for the Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, will present biosecurity measures and practices for the prevention of diseases in bee colonies, while in the second part, at 11:30 a.m., Zlatko Tomljanović, PhD, Head of the Beekeeping Advisory Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Zagreb Advisory Branch, will elaborate on the state of beekeeping technology at the present, as faced with the challenges of climate change.
All those from the wider area of the Krka River who are interested in beekeeping techniques are free to join the meeting.
Towards the end of the year, in November, there will be a Winemakers’ Meeting, and in early December, an Olive Growers’ Meeting, with an emphasis on ecological agriculture and production.
We look forward to your arrival!
Local population
The quality of olive oil is the new topic that will gather the local inhabitants, with local olive growers bringing in their fresh oil for free analysis
The 22th Meeting of the Local Community will be held on Monday, 2 December 2024 from 1 to 3 pm at the conference hall of the Krka Eco-Campus in Puljane.
The 21st Meeting will gather local inhabitants at the tasting workshop and wine analysis
The first flow and wine clarification is the topic of the twenty-first Meeting with the Local Population that will be held on Monday, November 25, 2024, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the conference hall of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane.
Invitation to Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area Course
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries invites all interested parties to join the course entitled Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area, which is implemented within the framework of Intervention 72.01. Support for limitation in forest management (NATURA 2000, NCS)
Poticajne mjere iz Programa ruralnog razvoja za razvitak poljoprivrede
Poticanje razvitka poljoprivrede u 2024. godini