Monitoring bat hibernation colonies
The continuation of multi-year research and monitoring of bats in the Park boundaries and surrounding areas
During January 2023, monitoring of bat hibernation colonies was performed in the area of Krka National Park. The monitoring included inspections of underground caves Topla pećina, Velika pećina Kaočinka and Miljacka II, and was conducted by the company Geonatura d.o.o.
Field research was conducted in accordance with the international guidelines of the Agreement to protect European bat populations (UNEP\EUROBATS), and applied other relevant expert and scientific literature. The research was conducted with the aim of collecting data on bat populations that use these underground shelters during the hibernation period, the dynamics of their use by bats, their abundance and species composition, with an assessment of the state of conservation of the underground shelters, with recommendations for further activities.
During the performance of monitoring, variations were observed in the past concerning the species abundance and composition, particularly during the summer period, which is why research on colony hibernation was performed on only a few occasions and only in certain shelters (Miljacka II cave, Topla pećina cave). The recorded variations in abundance and composition of bat species over the years can be a reflection of true variations, or a reflection of the methods used and scope of research conducted. Also, during winter, it is possible that a share of the bats temporarily retracts deeper into the caves, into inaccessible channels and fissures. However, the results of the study conducted in 2023 suggest that the bats do not use these shelters in such large numbers when forming hibernation colonies, with usually 20 or fewer individuals per colony.
During research conducted in January 2023, the presence of four bat species was recorded: Myotis capaccinii (long-fingered bat), Rhinolophus euryale (Mediterranean horseshoe bat), R. ferrumequinum (greater horseshoe bat) and R. hipposideros (lesser horseshoe bat).

Winter waterbird census in Krka NP in 2025
The waterfowl count in eight areas along the Krka River was conducted on January 18th and 19th, with observations from land and from a vessel, by ornithologist Ivan Budinski from the Biom association and security and expert service employees of the Krka NP
The first find of a snow bunting in the Krka National Park
We are extremely pleased to announce that the first recorded sighting of a snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) has been recorded in the Krka National Park, increasing the bird population in the Park to as many as 230 species
Investigation and monitoring of the status of white-legged crayfish – Austropotamobius pallipes –in the Krka NP area
The white-legged crayfish has a natural distribution in all the rivers of the Adriatic basin and also in the Lika region. However, due to a series of pressures and threats to freshwater habitats (deterioration of water quality, the regulation of watercourses, invasive species), the white-legged crayfish has been disappearing from many locations where it was once present
Monitoring summer (nursing) bat colonies in the Miljacka II cave in 2024
In summer 2024, the company Geonatura d.o.o. conducted monitoring of summer bat colonies in the Miljacka II cave, an internationally important underground bat habitat (UNEP/EUROBATS)