U Mataskom polju uklonjeno stablo i saniran put
Javna ustanova „Nacionalni park Krka“ uklonila je srušeno stablo i popravila štetu na putu u Mataskom polju.
Na temelju nadzora koji je 10. veljače 2015. godine obavio ovlašteni čuvar prirode Nacionalnog parka „Krka“, utvrđeno je da je u Mataskom polju jako nevrijeme srušilo stablo jablana, koje je palo preko korita rijeke Krke.
Srušeno stablo oštetilo je put uz rijeku u dužini od deset i širini od pet-šest metara. S obzirom na to da se radi o putu koji mještani sela Zelići koriste za pristup svojim posjedima, traktorima i ostalim prijevoznim sredstvima, uputili su Javnoj ustanovi „Nacionalni park Krka“ molbu za njegovu sanaciju, koja je potom uspješno izvršena.
Local population
The quality of olive oil is the new topic that will gather the local inhabitants, with local olive growers bringing in their fresh oil for free analysis
The 22th Meeting of the Local Community will be held on Monday, 2 December 2024 from 1 to 3 pm at the conference hall of the Krka Eco-Campus in Puljane.
The 21st Meeting will gather local inhabitants at the tasting workshop and wine analysis
The first flow and wine clarification is the topic of the twenty-first Meeting with the Local Population that will be held on Monday, November 25, 2024, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the conference hall of the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane.
Invitation to Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area Course
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries invites all interested parties to join the course entitled Limitations in Forest Management in the Ecological Network Area, which is implemented within the framework of Intervention 72.01. Support for limitation in forest management (NATURA 2000, NCS)
Poticajne mjere iz Programa ruralnog razvoja za razvitak poljoprivrede
Poticanje razvitka poljoprivrede u 2024. godini